
6 LU (à 45 min.)


Self-learning by transfer into practice

Aim of Module 5

Module 5 ‘Transfer into practice, documentation, and reflection’ will provide the framework for the transfer of a CareerBot Methodology and learning into practice. Each Learning Unit (LU1-LU6) offers space for Practitioners to reflect on the content and experience of the training methodology and curriculum. Module 5 will use key reflection questions, documentation on how practitioners should test a CareerBot methodology with real clients (Req. at least one to be documented) in their own organisations and learning outcome assessments, vital to the transfer of CareerBot methodology into practice is how practitioners should be able to identify how the tool can be used efficiently by jobseekers to gather relevant, customisable information on the Labour Market, how to apply for jobs and its limitations.

Learning Units

The overall learning outcomes of this module is to reflect on the learning by guidance practitioners and to understand When it is appropriate to use the CareerBot i.e., strategies for integrating the Bot within their organisations and reflection the importance of unique identifying supports required by individual service users, how to transfer the information from the CareerBot into the general career guidance process – in the context of the current labour market, The resources available to support clients use the CareerBot effectively and most importantly focusing on how to support a client in the real-world application of the results within their job searching process.

Learning Unit 1 – The learning Agreement and why it is important

The training process starts by defining the Learning Agreement, which clarifies prior qualifications and the individual motivation of the learner/practitioner. This agreement should:

  • be signed by the organisation providing the training and the practitioner.
  • Describe the Pre-Qualifications of learners (practitioners)
  • List the competences practitioners will acquire.
  • Describe the motivation of practitioners to take part in the training.
  • Introduction to the Training Reflection Diary.
Learning outcomes of the module
  • What a learning agreement is and how it supports the overall effectiveness of the CareerBot Training.
  • Understand the training reflection diary, what it is and how it is an important component of the training process.

Learning Unit 2 – Transfer into Practice: Evolving Career Guidance Approaches

  • What is Career Guidance, an in-depth overview with reference to Labour Market Information and skills gap for future green jobs.
  • How Innovative and diverse deliver methods are important in a Career Guidance setting in the Digital Age.
  • The role of AI and Chatbots in Career Guidance in the local guidance setting and the various ways of using AI effectively.
  • Getting to know the CareerBot Project and is usability in the Career Guidance Process.
Learning outcomes of the module
  • The role of Career Guidance with the backdrop of digital transformation.
  • The importance of innovative and diverse deliver methods is important in a Career Guidance setting in the Digital Age.
  • The role of AI and Chatbots in Career Guidance in the local guidance setting and the various ways of using AI effectively.
  • Reflective practice on the CareerBot Project and how to integrate it into the Career Guidance Process.

Learning Unit 3 – Transfer into Practice: Before a Counselling Session: Test Experience with Client

  • How to effectively show the CareerBot Tool to clients and engage with the Bot actively in your practice tailored to the needs of clients.
  • Overview of Test experience with Client to validate training learning outcomes.
  • The Complementarity of CareerBot and the Career Guidance process.
Learning outcomes of the module

By achieving these learning outcomes, participants will acquire a first insight in the green economy, EU green initiatives, and the role of green jobs in Europe’s sustainable future. They will also better understand the skill requirements and initiatives aimed at bridging the skills gap in the context of green employment.

  • Understand how to sustainably promote the CareerBot project and continue to use the tool with clients after guidance sessions.
  • Understanding the role of digital tools and solutions in Career Guidance settings.
  • How to assess the needs of clients and what digital solutions best suit their needs and evaluate the effectiveness of a CareerBot Methodology.

Learning Unit 4 – Transfer into Practice: using a CareerBot Methodology during and after a Guidance Session

  • How CareerBot is a useful tool during and after a career guidance session and how to facilitate its use to progress clients effectively on their pathways to employment.
  • The sustainability of the CareerBot project and reflection on how familiar the client is with the bot features.
  • Using the resources of CareerBot to support clients to develop a career portfolio.
Learning outcomes of the module
  • Understand how to sustainably promote the CareerBot project and continue to use the tool with clients after guidance sessions.
  • Understanding the role of digital tools and solutions in Career Guidance settings.
  • How to assess the needs of clients and what digital solutions best suit their needs and evaluate the effectiveness of a CareerBot Methodology.

Learning Unit 5 – Transfer into Practice: Digital Solutions and a CareerBot Methodology

  • Reflecting on the use of digital tools and solution in Career Guidance settings
  • Adapting resources and platforms available in your local setting and mapping useful solutions for your organisation.
  • Ensuring to consider the accessibility of tools for your client group and tailoring tools to the individual client and his/her career journey.
Learning outcomes of the module
  • Knowing how to Adapt resources and platforms available in your local setting and map useful solutions for your organisation.
  • Understanding the importance of the accessibility of tools for your client group and tailoring tools to the individual client and his/her career journey.

Learning Unit 6 – Documentation & Reflection

Future perspectives – Key reflections by practitioners on the CareerBot Methodology, the future of Chatbot technology in Career Guidance, Recommendations, and thoughts on its transferability.

  • Specific reflective questions on the training both in terms of practical uses of ChatBot methodology in Career Guidance and the future of Career Guidance.
  • Assessment of Learning outcomes overall and summary of experience.
  • Overview of documentation necessary to complete the CareerBot Training.
Learning outcomes of the module
  • To implement a CareerBot methodology in practice through the completion of relevant documentation and practical engagement with clients after the completion of training.

Resources – Learning materials provided

Learning Unit 1 – 5: Transfer into Practice
  • M5-LU1/5-5-01 – Transfer into Practices, Documentation and Reflection (PPT and word document)
  • M5-LU1/5-02 – CareerBot Test Experience with Client Document
  • M5-LU1/5-03 – Genial.ly User Journeys ( Before Counselling, During Counselling, After Counselling)
  • M5-LU1/5-04 – Evaluation Google Form
  • M5-LU1/5-05 – Learning Agreement
  • M5-LU1/5-06 – Training Reflection Diary